I am a frontend developer from Ukraine.
I develop applications using the following technologies: React.js & Next.js, I use technologies: Node.js, express, Redux, Webpack, TypeScript, REST-API, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB. I keep track of the new approaches and best practices as the modern development world is a high-paced environment. Constant learning and progression of technical skills is crucial for providing the best software solutions.
HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript
Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation. Engineers - Aviation Electrical Engineer equipment.
React.js, Next.js, Node.js, Express, MongoDb, Redux, Webpack, Sass, Tailwind CSS
I am a frontend developer from Kyiv, Ukraine with 2 years of experience.
Web application development using modern technologies.
Front end, Back end, Database. React, Node, Expres, MongoDb.
UI/UX developing creative user interfaces. REST API, CRUD
Developing SEO-friendly applications. SSR, SSG, ISR, CSR.
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